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Tiptop Audio Model 292t Eurorack Module * Quad Lopass Gate * 4-channel VCA / lowpass gate without optocoupler (vactrol) ...
Tiptop Audio Model 296t Eurorack Module * Programmable Spectral Processor * Voltage controllable 16-band filter bank for...
Tiptop Audio Forbidden Planet Analog Filter Eurorack Module * Multi-mode filter modeled after the Steiner Parker Synthac...
Tiptop Audio Z2040 Filter Module * 4 dB 4-pole low pass VCF * Redesign of the Prophet 5 Rev 2 Low Pass Filter * Voltage ...
Tiptop Audio Control Path Eurorack Module * Dynamic module * Two analogue envelopes with velocity CV and a VCA * Current...
Tiptop Audio Octopass; Eurorack module; analog 8-voice 24dB lowpass filter; Tiptop Audio ART module: polyphonic modules ...
Tiptop Audio Octogain; Eurorack module; analogue 8-channel VCA and mixer; Tiptop Audio ART module: polyphonic modules wi...
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