As a Duncan user since the 80s,
plus having my reasons since a long time not to use "P" or "J" p.u.s,
i was waiting for a long time for this kind of soapbar by S.DUncan.
I wasn't happy with my "old", "boutique" soapbar, so i bought the SSB-4NYC right away and changed it. As expected,my (single p.u.) bass suddently became what it should be from the first day it was made.
So,i bought a pair of them too,for my 2 pu bass (that's not ready yet).
So again,if i make another bass i'll use theese p.u.'s too.
My instruments are studied and made to be very expressive, i don't allow that any part (and mostly a p.u.) "cuts off" even a 5% of it...
I recommend theese soapbars for industrial basses with "dead responce".
They will definately make your playing expression sound,but of course a p.u. alone,can't save a whole bad bass...