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6. Jack Sockets

There are three main types of jack sockets:

Standard Jack Socket:

Most guitars come with a simple socket mounted on a jack plate. The guitar's design determines the placement and shape of the jack plate. The socket itself is attached to the jack plate using a locking nut and a spring washer.

blanke Buchse
Blank Socket
Les Paul Buchsenblech
Les Paul Jack Plate
Strat Buchsenblech
Strat Jack Plate
Telecaster (versenkte Buchse)
Telecaster (recessed socket)

Barrel Jacks:

Acoustic guitars use barrel jacks.

Röhrenbuchse (Barrell Jack)
Barrell Jack

Barrel jacks need a longer component to go through the reinforcement on the rim, where the socket is installed. These components also differ between Asian/European (metric) and US-made (imperial). Imperial parts in sockets are much more common than their metric counterparts.

Stereo Jack Sockets

Stereo jack sockets are also available in stereo/switching versions for use with active pickups or active electronics – meaning guitars that have a battery in their circuit. When the jack plug is inserted into the socket, the electronics are activated. If no plug is in the guitar, the power supply from the battery to the active electronics is cut off.

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