For the price, there is no better option.
Yes it is tiny but you are buying it for the practical reasons:
-You don't want to spend a lot of money.
-You live in a appartment.
-You have and old witch as a neighbour that knocks on your wall every time you sneeze.
-You don't want to spend money in pedals (although it's the best thing about an electric guitar but then you will get addicted on it and you'll become a "tone chaser" but you have a wife that will curse you every time you buy a new pedal although she can waste money on boots).
- You want to practice with it and not play in a band.
I was afraid when I bought it because I could not find any reviews on Youtube, but I really liked it.
I like this one more then the Roland Cube I had a long time ago.
The sounds are good. I didnt like the metal preset but I have a single coil guitar, and maybe that's why. However, the other presets: cleans, blues, tube screamer and crunch are very nice.
It is a good buy for the usage I explicit above!