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Torso Electronics T-1 Algorithmic sequencer * 16 Tracks * 16 MIDI channels * Each track can be configured as a Euclidean...
OXI Instruments One Black Edition Performance Step Sequencer * Special Edition with black buttons * 4 Independent sequen...
Squarp Instruments Hapax Performance Sequencer * 16 Tracks, each with 8 patterns per project * Dual project concept allo...
OXI Instruments One Performance Step Sequencer * 4 Independent sequencers with 5 selectable modes each: Mono, Chord (up ...
Arturia Beatstep Pro MIDI Controller and Step Sequencer * Compatible with devices using MIDI, USB, CV/Gate or DIN Sync c...
Korg SQ-1 Compact 2x8 Step Sequencer * Usable for MS-20 and many other devices * Different sequencer modes like order, p...
Korg SQ-64 Polyphonic Step Sequencer with 4 Tracks * 3 Melody tracks with 8-fold polyphony and 16 patterns of 64 steps e...
Make Noise 0-Ctrl CV Controller and Performance Sequencer * For controlling patchable analogue synthesizers and modular ...
Conductive Labs The NDLR V2 Arpeggiator, Sequencer and Chord Generator * 4 MIDI parts (Motif 1, Motif 2, Pad and Drone) ...
Torso Electronics T-1 White Algorithmic sequencer * 16 Tracks * 16 MIDI channels * Each track can be configured as a Euc...
SOMA Ornament-8 Organismic sequencer * New sequencer design without a defined tempo or measure and with freely configur...
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