I've gotten this Conga (11.75) and the Tumba (12.5) as my first set of Congas. Price wise, these compare with major brands entry level offerings... In terms of Quality, these are in a completely different class - far superior to anything else on offer at this price.
I thought I was buying a starter set of Congas, that would allow me to develop without breaking the bank balance... I assumed if I really took to them and put in the effort, I would be upgrading a few years down the road.
The reality is these feel likey 'forever' congas - I can't see needing to upgrade from these. They are quality.
The Latin expert series from Thomann is Solid, well built, the hardware is fantastic and robust, the rims are beautifully shaped to ensure great tone without destroying your hands. The skins are professional quality and should last a really long time. I have played entry level congas like the Aspire range, that have similar looking stands that are wobbly - I assumed these stands (included free), would be just as wobbly. The stands are sturdy and stable - made of a nice thick metal with great rubber contact pads... Again, far exceeded my expectations.
I purchased a separate set of conga travel bags (a milenial set aimed at 12" and 13" congas... The width of these drums means that even the 11.75" Conga barely fits in the bag. The Tumba isn't getting in there at all. I don't mind - the sound coming out of these big wide barrels is what it is all about... And I'll be picking up a matching Quinto 11") soon, so I'll keep the travel bag for that one. Honestly, this Tumba is too big to travel - I've nicknamed it "Gordo". It's a big boy, (as is the Conga).
In summary, I am super pleased with these congas and highly recommend them.