Let me start with a high praise for the Probucker pickups from Epiphone that I have now changed for the Seth Lover's, they are really good pups.
The reason for the change is one not original at all, the pursuit for tone, classic sound at your fingers, etc...
After going through many reviews and videos it was easy to find the Seth Lover's are highly praised and that is for a reason.
When I played the first notes on my amp set to clean I heard my guitar alright, but only better. Everything was better, the tone, definition, clarity.
It took about half an hour to adjust to the nuances of my newly installed SL's but I came to the realization that there was no turning back.
Adding pedals was a joy and a pleasure.
There's nothing not to like about Seth Lover pickups, highly recommended.
Thomann did a good job shipping and packaging like always.