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9. Conclusion

Though there are other options, the stack remains a rock icon, and is still the most flexible form of guitar amplification. The variety of amps and cabs available has never been greater, and a stack is no longer the prohibitively expensive option it once was.

Valve amps do need a little more care and attention than transistor amps, however. ‘Standby’ mode is a feature of most, and unlike the energy-wasting feature built into many domestic appliances, it exists for good reason - valve amps should always be switched on in standby mode for around thirty seconds to allow the valves to warm up before they are subjected to an audio signal, and this process should be reversed when powering down.

Most general electronic equipment can be used with little attention until a fault appears - valve amps however, should ideally be serviced around once a year, even if nothing seems wrong - partly to keep them sounding good, but also because certain types of valve wear can cause problems, which in turn may damage other components such as the output transformer and speaker.

Thanks for taking the time to read this Online Advisor – we hope it has left you feeling more informed about the subject of guitar amp heads – good luck with your next purchase!

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